Originally, the Three Notch’d Road was a colonial-era thoroughfare running east and west through central Virginia. It is believed to have taken its name from a distinctive marking of three notches burnt or axed into trees to blaze the trail. As legend has it, the road was made famous by Jack Jouett’s midnight ride to Charlottesville, VA. in June of 1781. After General Benedict Arnold defected to the British, he sacked Richmond and caused a number of our founding fathers, including then Governor Thomas Jefferson, to seek refuge at Jefferson’s home, Monticello, in Charlottesville, VA. Learning of this, General Cornwallis ordered Banastre Tarleton to ride to Charlottesville and capture the group. Captain Jack Jouett of the Virginia Military heard the sound of Tarleton’s cavalry from his Louisa County home just 40 miles from Charlottesville. Upon witnessing the cavalry pause for an extended rest, he raced the moon-lit Three Notch’d Road to Monticello to warn the Governor and his state legislators to flee Charlottesville. Recognizing their debt to Jouett, the legislature passed a resolution on June 15, 1781 to honor him, and “Jack Jouett’s Ride” became a legendary portion of Virginia’s history.
The original trail runs less than a quarter mile from the location of our brewery. It only makes sense that at Three Notch’d Brewing Company it will be our primary goal to align our products with the rich history of Virginia and lead our patrons down the Three Notch’d Road to great beer.
In doing this, we at Three Notch’d Brewing Co. will never be as legendary as some of the most revered characters in Virginia history, but we do aim to leave our humble mark in the world of craft beer. As we evolve from our beginnings, and get to know all of you, we look forward to brewing great beer, while telling the stories of some of the greatest characters in American History – from a very unique Virginian-craft brew perspective. From Jack Jouett, to Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry; and from John Brown to Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee, our brewery will develop around bold characters that left their mark on our country’s history.
Much like the people mentioned above who left their marks on all of us, our brewery’s mission respects the inalienable rights of man, and we want to celebrate these with each and every one of our patrons. We encourage you to learn about our beers, our identities, and also yourselves while you take the trip down Three Notch’d Road and find how you will Leave Your Mark.
Jack left his mark, we’re leaving ours, how will you leave yours?
Three Notch’d Brewing Company was conceived by three friends who value great beer and great times, with close family and friends. Each of us has a great appreciation for individualism, respect for hard work and earning our ability to give back to the communities we live in. We opened our doors for commercial operation in August of 2013 and work each day to Leave Our Mark on the craft brew industry and Charlottesville, VA by making great beer and collaborating with all lovers of the craft beer industry. We hope that you will join us and Leave Your Mark, too.